quinta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2009

Are you a television addict?

Do you like watching tv?
Do you spend hours and hours in front of the tv?
Do you feel the need to watch tv everyday?
When you are out, do you just think of arriving home to see your Favorite programmes?
Is your mother always advising you, to not spend so much time in front of the tv?
Do you feel that you watch too much tv?

If you answered "yes", to any of the above questions, then the chances are that you are a television addict.
It is said that addiction is characterized by spending an unusually large amount of time using a substance that is addictive; finding oneself using it more often than intended; thinking about reducing the use, and are making repeated unsuccessful attempts to reduce it; giving up social activities to use the substance, and reporting withdrawal symptoms when one does achieve stopping the use.

Television can teach and amuse, and it does provide needed distraction and escape. Yet, the difficulty arises when one strongly senses the need to stop viewing as much, and yet find they are unable to reduce viewing.
That TV viewing has a numbing effect, and reaction to the body is likened to that of a tranquilizer. Drowsiness occurs, and one may even experience depression as the viewing continues. A person actually disengages from real life becoming immersed in what is being shown on the screen which, in turn, causes excessive viewing; more so than anticipated in the beginning.

So what can you do if you think you may be a tv addict? how do you avoid it to get your life back in balance?
start here:
-Keep a record of how much TV you watch and when you watch. Do this for one week.
-List all the other fun activities you can do at home instead of watching TV. Place your list on your refrigerator so you can check this list BEFORE you turn on the TV. Consider fun things to do as a family, household projects you’d like to complete, outside activities, reading, exercise, etc.
-Set a limit for how much TV you will watch in one week. Record your time and stick to your commitment.
-Commit to exercising whenever you watch TV, such as walking on a treadmill, riding a stationary bike, etc.
-Consider removing your TV for a set period of time. You might find yourself talking to your family again instead of watching the TV so much.