quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2009

My favorite short story

Word Problem
by Bruce Holland Rogers

Stan has traveled 29.3 kilometers from his home in Toronto to the home of his friend in a Mississauga high-rise. Before he gets out of his car, Stan puts on a surgical mask, leather gloves, and sunglasses.
Stan wears the mask because he is worried about Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, a disease which has a global case fatality rate of between seven and fifteen percent -- estimates vary. He is also worried about Ebola haemorrhagic fever, which has a global case fatality rate of about 90%. Two nearly-recovered patients with SARS are presently 47.2 kilometers away from Stan in Toronto General Hospital. The nearest Ebola patients are in Africa, 12,580 kilometers from Stan.
Stan is not worried about Mrs. Imelda Foster, who is cleaning a penthouse apartment. If Stan even knew about Mrs. Foster, he would appreciate her enthusiasm for bleach as a disinfectant. Mrs. Foster's eyesight is not what it used to be, and she compensates by going over the same surface repeatedly.
Stan wears gloves because he is worried about spider bites. The only venomous spider in Ontario is the northern widow, Latrodectus various, which produces venom fifteen times as toxic as the venom of a prairie rattlesnake. Although the spider injects much less venom than a snake with each bite, nearly one-percent of L. various bites are fatal. Fatalities are concentrated in the very young and the very sick. Stan is thirty-seven years old and in good physical condition. Still, he does not put his hand where he cannot see, and he wears gloves just in case.
Stan is not worried about Tanya Scott, the four-year-old girl who lives in the penthouse apartment where Mrs. Imelda Foster is cleaning. If Stan knew of little Tanya's existence, he would appreciate Mrs. Foster's diligence with the vacuum cleaner everywhere in the apartment, even on the balcony. There are zero spider webs in the penthouse apartment.
Stan wears sunglasses. The sun is expected to radiate peacefully for another 5 billion years, but in the course of that time its luminosity will double to a brilliance that Stan finds alarming.
Stan does not worry about a glass swan figurine weighing 457 grams. Yesterday Tanya Scott moved the swan from its place on the coffee table to the balcony railing where she could see it in the sunlight. Tanya left the swan on the railing. Mrs. Foster does not see the swan when she brings the vacuum cleaner out to tidy up the balcony. She knocks the swan from the railing with the vacuum cleaner wand.
At the moment that the swan begins its descent, Stan is 38 meters from a point directly below the falling swan. He is proceeding toward that point in a straight line and at a steady pace of 3.2 kilometers per hour. A falling object accelerates at the rate of approximately 10 meters/second/second. The railing is 112 meters above the sidewalk.

Question: Is Stan worrying about the right things?

This is a 50 word Saga I prefer.

I like this 50word Saga because I acted like that one day with my cousin.

"I was angry and left the room. I wasn't sure where to go. I was led to my car, the open road, and a thousand hours of music. I listened without interruption and without inspiration. I returned, apologized to my friends, and we continued playing video games".

terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2009

A Class Visit

Last year, at the end of the academic year, all students of Portuguese Language and Culture courses, teachers and I did a class visit to different places or museums in the neighbourhood and out of Lisbon, by bus.
The programme was established in this way; we met at 8: 15 am at the entrance of the faculty and we left at 8:30 am. At 9:30 am, we arrived at the “monastery of Alcobaça museum” and we reached the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria at 12:00 pm then at 2:15 pm arrived in Óbido and finally we arrived in Peniche at 4: 30 pm.
Once in the “monastery of Alcobaça” museum I visited the biggest or the most important monastery of Portugal. As you know, in the past this place was where Portuguese wise men lived and where they did the first translations of the bible into the Portuguese language. When we got in, I saw on the walls the statues of previous kings of Portugal. This visit was guided by a very friendly woman who was explaining things to us and answering our questions. And we were allowed to take pictures. I saw the translation rooms, the auditorium of the palace, the bedrooms, living rooms, and the throne which is still intact there in the same place even all the bathrooms are marbled. I suggest going to visit the Monastery of Alcobaça museum, because it’s symbolic for all, specially for translation students and to know better Portuguese culture and history.
Just after Alcobaça we went to the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, situated outside of the city, where I had lunch. This Institute is smaller than our faculty but there were trees around it. It’s very attractive with a nice dining hall on the veranda of the first floor, where we spent one hour and a half having coffee and contemplating the beautiful nature around.
Contrary to Alcobaça, the visit to Obidos wasn’t guided; everyone could go to see whatever he wanted. In fact, Obidos is a tourist place because of its decor. I noticed that there are a lot of handcrafted pieces from the middle ages. On that day, there were a lot of visitors in Obído too; it means that it's a touristic place. There were actors in the street, dressed like Romans or like people from the Middle Ages (like the king, his wife and his guards with their swords) and dancing to the rhythm of Portuguese melodies. You can also see the small castles up and down by the hills. And it was there where I tasted for the first time the Carpirinha with another kind of Portuguese local drink I don't remember the name. I recommend you visit Obido too, because you can find a lot of Art pieces and the strong spirit from the Middle Ages and Portugal in the 18th century.
And we finished our visit in Peniche, where I visited the museum of the Fortress. As Alcobaça, that visit was also guided. This museum was a jail in the past which Salazar built on the top of a small mountain beside the sea for the political opponents. From the prison yard you could see the sea and lots of small tourist boats hugged the long beach of Peniche and the sight was beautiful. Inside, things are very different; nobody could take pictures. We visited the cells of prisoners and we saw the big handcuffs. It was so horrible for me to see that I decided to get out of the cells. If you visit this museum and you are as sensitive as me, just stay in the prison yard and admire the nice sight of the sea.
When we left Peniche, we came back to Lisbon. We all were happy to do that class visit. It was the reason why on our return we were singing one by one in the bus. I still have some memories of that visit and I would like to do it again.

sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2009


In Uganda, bicycles are very important in the citizen's lifes. Generally, bicycles are used by rich people for training in one hand, and in other by low-class people who use it for earning a living.
In kampala they use bicycles for so many ways. They are using for transporting people as taxi, and for heavy luggage. Boda-Boda, with means connecting to a border, which they also call manuel bikes.
The most typical boda - bodas are named Roadster bicycles. It normally has two chairs; one for the carrier and the other for the customer, which is made on sponge. The boda-boda's carriers enjoy their jobs. The take care of their bicycles, most of them wash them every day and people respect them. Most boda-boda's carriers say that they are proud of their their bicycles because they know that they cannot have something to eat without them. And they don't think that they are able to do anything different than that. Sometimes, boda-boda carrier's have to name their bicycles and the name and the colour, dependent on their favorite team, are written on the spong of the carrier. In Uganda, people start gradually with bicycles and when they see that they are able to affer themselves a motorcycle or motorbike, they buy it, and they change their life, earning more money. People with six bicycles, for example. use some to deliver ice-cream and the others to rent out.
On the whole, in Uganda, bicycles are very useful for people, in particular to transport people, heavy luggage, to deliver ice-cream, etc... It also the source of revenue for low-clas people.


A Bedtime Story

This stor is about a magician. Everyone talked about him, he was really famous in that city and in the others around. This magician did several times unbelievable things in his well know shows. Like changing paper into money, transforming water into beer or transforming ducks into snakes, etc...
And the most important thingwas that everybody was afraid of him, just because of his power or magic. Knowing that he took unfair advantage of that, threatening people who dared to challanger him. One day, there was an old hunter who put a big snake into a wooden bowl, and came to his show.
The huntsman went to the center of the circle and said to the magician, you are the most powerful man in the world so I just want you to take out this thing from inside the wooden bowl without taking off completely the cover and we all know that you are able to do it. The magician hesited for a few moments and spectators were screaming his name. And he finally put his hand into the wooden bowl, and the snake beat him and he immediately lost his power.
The message is in our life we don't have to take unfair advantage of people when when we take control of things

A Bedtime Story

One day, on a small island surrounded by coconut palms, lived a monkey and a crocodile.
Monkey had a lot of things to eat every day but he wasn't happy because his family lived on another side of this island. He decided to cross the river to join those like him. But as we know, monkeys aren't renowned for being good swimmers. Near by the river, lying down in the sand was an old crocodile. And Monkey said to Crocodile:

"Hello my friend Crocodile"

"Hellooooo Monkey" what are you doing here? replied Crocodile.

Monkey answered, saying "heuuuuuum I would like to ask you a favor but i'm afraid

you couldn't do it for me".

"What favor could it be? Don't worry I'm your friend, you can rely on me" said Crocodile

Monkey: "Well , I would like you to give me a lift, I want to cross the river to visit my friends"

Crocodile: "Of course it doesn't matter, friends are always help those in need".

Monkey: "Thank you".

Crocodile: "Climb on my back"

Monkey: ok

In the middle of the crossing, Crocodile in his turn said to Monkey, "I'm sorry, I also need your help".

Monkey: ah yes! don't hesitate to ask me a favour because we're friends now

Crocodile: "you know that my mother is seriously sick, so to cure her she needs a heart of a monkey alive. Don't take it badly it's really urgent I think you'll understand and forgive me".

Monkey: "Of course, I believe in you but we have a problem".

Crocodile: "What kind of problem?"

Monkey: "I left my Heart in the coconut palm where I slept yesterday. Let's go immediately back to get it."

Crocodile: "I really know that you will help me".

They decided to go back to the island. Once on the island, Monkey said to Crocodile "come with me to the coconut palm" and he said « my heart is upstair, wait for me here I have to go up to give it to you, ok » He climbed to the top and said to the Crocodile "if you really need my heart to cure you mother come up to get it"

This shows that people use others to get a favor but they are always waiting for some things in compensation.


terça-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2009

Charcoal Bag

Peter was a little boy that was constantly getting mad at his friends.
One day his teacher called his father and told him that the little boy was a handful, she told him how angry the boy was all the time.
Mrs. Savits was a peaceful and poor man, of huge humbleness and astonishing wisdom.
He worked at a small farm, far away from peter’s school.

One day Peter was playing with his toys and Mrs. Savits called him:
“Peter, come here please!” said Mrs. Savits with a smooth and natural voice.
“Yes dad.” Said little Peter.
“I’m going to gather the cattle; would you like to help me please?”
“Ok.” responded Peter.

Peter started talking about his friends at school, and how he was feeling up set all the time. Mrs. Savits listened carefully without interrupting. While they were heading towards the cattle, Mrs. Savits grabbed a charcoal bag, placed it next to his son, and said:
“Son, do you see my coat next to the fence?”
“I’d like you to imagine that my white coat is your friend, and that every piece of charcoal is a bad thought that you throw at him.”
“I want you to throw all the pieces of charcoal at my coat, and later on I’ll come back to check on you”.

Peter played the game and started his work. The coat was quite far from Peter, so only a few pieces hit the target.
An hour later Peter finished his task, his father returned, and asked him:
“Son, how are you feeling now?”
“I’m tired but happy; I hit a few pieces on your coat!”
Mrs. Savits looked at his son, and soon figured that Peter did not understand the reason for that game, and with a sweet and tender voice said:
“Come with me to you room please, I’d like to show you something.”
Inside the room, he is placed in front of a mirror where he can see all his body.
Peter got spooked; he could only see his eyes and teeth.
Then, his father tenderly tells him:
“Son, do you see… my coat is almost clean, but look at you…”
“The harm we wish to others is just like what happens to you.”
“We can try to harm others with our thoughts, but the entire residue stays with ourselves.”
After that day, Peter changed, and realize that he had become a better child.

Ganja addict

How do you feel when you smoke ganja or better how do you feel when you don't smole ganja?
Have long have you started smoking ganja?
Dou you prefer smoke alone or with friends?
What moment is the best for smoking?
How do you feel when you think that one day you will stop smoking?
Where do use to buy your ganja?
How smoking ganja's is important for you?
Do you really think that you smoke too much?
If yes so you ganja addict
In fact, when you spend your time to smoking or using addictive so make sure that you 're ganja addict. It is the case of Mr Mojo
Well, i'm Mr Mojo and i'm 26, i live in down town of lisbon. I started smoking ganja when i was 18. I feel more relax when i smoke, i can really control myself and think in the positive sense of things. It's why i hate smoking with friend, i usually smoke in my bedroom and when i don't smoking two hour ago, i'm capable to do foolishness. I rarely go out, it's only for buy ganja in my neighbourhood because there are some ganja's dealers. It's way a very difficult for to stop smoking ganja right.
If you really want to stop, you should ask a help. Your friends or your own parents can give you an psychologic help. Firstly, you should change your habits or try to smoke less during the day. Secondly, if all thoses things are very difficult for you, try to change your neighbourhood or avoid bad poeple.

The Famous Mbalax Dance

Mbalax (or Mbalakh) is the national popular dance music of Senegal and The Gambia. Mbalax is a fusion of popular Western music and dance such as jazz, soul, Latin, and rock blended with sabar. Influenced by the 'back to roots' philosophy of Negritude and the receding influence of colonialism, artists began to mix our sounds with traditional Senegalese music and forge new sounds incorporating our new national identity. Musicians began singing in Wolof (our predominant dialect) instead of French and English, and incorporated rhythms of the indigenous sabar drum. Mbalax Dancing is popular in nightclubs and social gatherings as well as religious and cultural gatherings for example; weddings, birthdays, and naming ceremonies. Mbalax dance style incorporates pelvic gyrations and knee movements. It's way, we have a lot of kind of Mbalax dance such as the "Ventilateur" «'electric fan', which describes the motion of the buttocks swirling suggestively»; "xaj bi" «the dog', in which a dancer lifts his or her leg in imitation of a dog»; "Moulaye chigin" «which involves pelvic and knee movements that perfectly match the sabar breaks»; and, "the jelkati" «a dance in which the upper arms, bent at the elbows, move in parallel motion from left to right». Mbalax music include instruments such as drums, balafon, riti, Tama (talking drum), sabar drum and other instruments like flute, electric guitar, piano, violin, trumpet and synthesizer.
The most Famous Singer of M'balax
Youssou N'Dour
is a Senegalese singer and percussionist, perhaps the most famous singer alive. He helped develop popular music in Senegal, known in the Wolof language as mbalax, a blend of the country's traditional griot percussion and praise-singing with the Afro-Cuban and Haitian kompa arrangements. And he has collaborated with musicians Peter Gabriel, Axelle Red, Sting, Alan Stivell, Bran Van 3000, Neneh Cherry, Wyclef Jean, Paul Simon, Bruce Springsteen, Tracy Chapman, Branford Marsalis, Ryuichi Sakamoto and others. In Senegal, Youssou is a powerful cultural icon actively involved in social issues.

domingo, 18 de janeiro de 2009

Drug problems

Do you feel more relax when you consume drugs?
The anxiety takes control of you if you don’t get fixed?
Did you ever spend all your money in drugs?
Do you prefer to do drugs alone in order to take more pleasure?
Do you only have fun under drugs?
Do you find that you have a different relationship with your non-users friends opposed to the ones that consume?
Do you suffer from any kind of psychological or physical symptoms when you don’t consume drugs?

If you reviewed yourself in any of the above situations maybe you are a drug addict.

A drug addict can be defining as a person who has a serious difficulty in live their ordinary life without consuming drugs.
The main symptoms are a compulsion to consume drugs which takes precedent over everything else and if he can’t get fixed, he can fall in depression and agitation.
Other problems include insomnia and debts or robbery in order to manage money to drugs. A drug addiction can lead to relationship problems, especially with the family, and social issues as unemployment, unsuccessful school results and isolation.
Some experts claim that drug addiction stems from childhood insecurities or family problems but new studies came to deny it. A drug addict can be anyone from different backgrounds and cultures. But we can say that the root of the problem is the desire to feel cool, to escape from emotional difficulties and a lack of capacity to be part of a social group, in which the drug addict can not find a place for himself.

So what can you do if you have a drug problem?
First of all you have to face your problem and talk to your family asking for help. Second you have to take professional help and a therapeutic.
You have to consider changing your habits, avoiding same environments and persons that are linking with the drug consume. Accept your family and friends support and don’t let you down.
With time and patience you will learn to live without drugs and rediscover the pleasure of life without emotional anaesthetics.

quinta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2009

Are you a television addict?

Do you like watching tv?
Do you spend hours and hours in front of the tv?
Do you feel the need to watch tv everyday?
When you are out, do you just think of arriving home to see your Favorite programmes?
Is your mother always advising you, to not spend so much time in front of the tv?
Do you feel that you watch too much tv?

If you answered "yes", to any of the above questions, then the chances are that you are a television addict.
It is said that addiction is characterized by spending an unusually large amount of time using a substance that is addictive; finding oneself using it more often than intended; thinking about reducing the use, and are making repeated unsuccessful attempts to reduce it; giving up social activities to use the substance, and reporting withdrawal symptoms when one does achieve stopping the use.

Television can teach and amuse, and it does provide needed distraction and escape. Yet, the difficulty arises when one strongly senses the need to stop viewing as much, and yet find they are unable to reduce viewing.
That TV viewing has a numbing effect, and reaction to the body is likened to that of a tranquilizer. Drowsiness occurs, and one may even experience depression as the viewing continues. A person actually disengages from real life becoming immersed in what is being shown on the screen which, in turn, causes excessive viewing; more so than anticipated in the beginning.

So what can you do if you think you may be a tv addict? how do you avoid it to get your life back in balance?
start here:
-Keep a record of how much TV you watch and when you watch. Do this for one week.
-List all the other fun activities you can do at home instead of watching TV. Place your list on your refrigerator so you can check this list BEFORE you turn on the TV. Consider fun things to do as a family, household projects you’d like to complete, outside activities, reading, exercise, etc.
-Set a limit for how much TV you will watch in one week. Record your time and stick to your commitment.
-Commit to exercising whenever you watch TV, such as walking on a treadmill, riding a stationary bike, etc.
-Consider removing your TV for a set period of time. You might find yourself talking to your family again instead of watching the TV so much.

quarta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2009

The echoes of the woods

It was a nice June afternoon and I was in the countryside with my parents. Everything was so peaceful and quiet.
We could hear the bees buzzing overhead and the warm June wind rustling in the trees…It felt like heaven to me.
My younger brother was throwing rocks into a pond…this made a plopping background sound.
I heard the sound of our camera clicking. It was my father taking a picture of me.
“That’s rude daddy. I’m reading. I wasn’t ready for a photo, I’m dishevelled.”
“Oh, don’t be so grouchy…you’re beautiful all the time.”
“Darling, come over here, you have to see this…take a picture of this butterfly.” My mother said to my father.
My brother had started to play with a wooden boat that he made.
At that moment we heard a huge thunder rumbling in the woods.
The sound frightened us all…rain started to pour.
My family and I searched for shelter. We found a small cave and waited there until the rain stopped.
My little brother was bored because he didn’t have space to play, my father continued to take pictures and my mother went on and on about her Tupperware friends.
“Oh poor me, I’m really lucky to be stuck here with them.” I thought.
“Why can’t we go home?” – asked my brother in tears.
“Honey, you have to be patient. We have to wait for the rain to pass. The car is far from here.” – replied my mother.
I started to hear a subtle sound, an unknown sound to me. It’s really hard to me to describe it.
I recognized the sound, when I saw four horses passing by the cave. It was the sound of the clatter of horse’s hoofs.
The horses must have been lost in the woods and maybe they were searching for their path home, but I was really happy to see horses for the first time in my life.
That really made up for it.
Soraia Silva

terça-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2009

nature sounds

I was in the car on highway with my friends and the was just beginning...that night suppost be the big night, but wasn´t!

the highway was dark, and the lighs was shame, wasn´t show up. But the sky was clear very shine as the stars!

The night was lovely during some minutes, but suddenly the sound of the wind began to enter for the window of our car that was opened.

We were afraid, even the sound that we were hearing in the radio was calm, the sound of the wind was strong.

Later it began the thunder cracks, that was so outlandish. with crazy thunderstorm we begin to hear the sound of the tyres screech. Unfortunately the tire of my car burst and in the middle of the thunderstorm we had to change the tire! We only laugh to not cry.

So much it was the fear that the noise and other sounds, since cracking finger of one of my friends was frightening us. The night that was lovely it was turned into a monster. Along the night only we hear out strange sounds. We only pray that night one ends.

After hours and hours on the road finally we reach house. We begin to go upstairs running and something crashes to the floor and the sound of machine hums start work. We look at the face one of other and let's ourselves laughing!

domingo, 11 de janeiro de 2009

Jean Félix´s Story

When i was a teenager, at the end of the academic year, i used to have my holliday in the country. I made that choice because country life is more healthy and peacefull. Where i lived there was a lot of tries it was why, during the nights, we could hear the wind rustles in the tries. My neighbour had at his house a big drinking trough for horses, which came back in later hours looking for water, we could feel them by their clatter of hoofs.
Every morning i was been awaken by an alarm clock beeps hung on the wall of the living room and by an old door creaked open of my neighboor. And just behind where i lived there was a swimming pool that had been built for inhabitants, and from a distance we could hear the day along the children cried and plopped into the water. There, we could also hear the camera cliked when parents took pictures of their kids swimmig. And then so..... 

segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2008


Where are my glasses? where, oh where?
On the table, or under the chair?
Near the window, or near the door?
In my pocket, or on the floor?
I´m looking here!
I´m looking there!
Where are my glasses? where, oh where?

Oh, here they are! on my head!

(By: Michael West)


I´m long and thin and made of steel,
I cut the mutton, beef and veal;
When not in use I lie and wait Beside
my owner´s round white plate

sexta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2008

How could a mother:

Two women sat on a table, in a well room, whit bare walls. A one way mirror covered the right wall and there nothing else. Just the one way mirror , the bare walls, the table, the two very simple chairs in which the two women sat, the lamp on the ceiling, and the door on the left. One of the women, was obviously a police woman, she carried some files and small Black Hand bag. She spread the files over the table and put the bag on the floor near her chair, then indicated the room, she seemed nervous. The police woman then began interrogating her: she began by asking what time it was when the baby star crying. The woman answered than it had been at 10:00 pm. The next question was about the woman’s feelings towards the crying child at the time. The woman, obviously the Childs mother replied she had been angry at being awakened during the night, when she had and left dizzy from the alcohol she had drunk earlier that same evening, also she said, she over
the night had a headache for her need felt fuzzy and heavy, and she couldn’t stand straight on her feet when she got up from her bed that evening to tend to the crying child. The police woman then asked what the woman was thinking back at the time. She said she was thinking that she had to get up early in the morning to go to work. The police woman asked the other woman, if her boyfriend who was with her that night had said anything, the woman answered yes, the police asked what , and the other woman said he had told her to shut up the kid, because it was getting in his nerves. The other woman then asked what she had done then, the mother of the child replied she handheld the baby in her arms, and begged her to stop crying. The next question was about the boyfriend’s next actions. The woman said he had getter up a look the baby, rather violently out of her arms. Then he had thrown the baby in the bed and put one of his hands over the baby’s face, and screened at her to stop crying and shut up. The police woman inquired if she had done anything to restrain the man, which she answered she had tried but he had shoed her against the wall. The police asked if she had said anything then. The mother said yes, she had told the baby to stop crying. The police corrected herself; she had intended to ask if the woman had said anything answered with a question, she asked the police woman, what could she have said.

quarta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2008

this music it´s dedicate to me and all African´s girls of the world!

personal i love this song!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYX_Ql-3U10

quinta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2008


Sorry guys,
I gave you the wrong links.
Here are the correct links.
To see Headup video:

To see the new released song:

I hope these ones work.

The most high Soulfly

Hi everyone,

I’m here to notice you that a major metal band, Soulfly, is coming to Portugal in February, more exactly in 16st February of 2009, playing at Coliseu dos Recreios.

Soulfly is a heavy metal band formed in 1997 in Arizona by Max Cavalera, who formed the band after he left the influential band Sepultura and the death of his stepson Dana Wells. Soulfly incorporates diverse heavy metal genres with world music. This tendency, to incorporate world music in metal, was already clear in Sepultura, Max Cavalera wanted to explore it.

Before Max Cavalera formed Soulfly, he made a guest appearance on the Deftones album “Around the Fur” in 1997 on a song called Headup. This song was about Well’s death and it is said that Cavalera got the name for the band from the lyrics of this song.

This is a link for Headup song.


The band has gone through numerous formation changes, but has been stable since the 2005’s album Dark Ages.
Like I’ve mentioned before, in Sepultura Cavalera had shown an interest in world music as one can notice in Roots, featuring elements of Brazilian tribal music. This approach continued on the Prophecy album with Cavalera travelling to Serbia to record with traditional musicians.

The band has released six studio albums:
. 1998 – Soulfly
. 2000 – Primitive
. 2002 -
. 2004 – Prophecy
. 2005 – Dark Ages
. 2008 – Conquer

The current Soulfly’s line-up is:
. Max Cavalera – vocals and rhythmic guitar.
. Marc Rizzo – Lead guitar.
. Bobby Burns – Bass.
. Joe Nunez – Drums.

Soulfly are coming to Portugal following the release of their last album, Conquer, in a European Tour.
I recommend this concert to everyone who likes metal and besides the tickets have an accessible price.
I leave you with this link where you can check them out.


Until next time.

Soraia Silva

Gypsy Jazz style

That's me playing with my friend Yacopo.

A Classical from??

Ok don't laugh, this is a bad interpretation of the song.
Now, can anyone tell me the name of this song?

segunda-feira, 10 de novembro de 2008

Republic of Senegal ( by Jean Felix )


Republic of Senegal is a country in Western Africa, became fully independent on 4 April Of 1960.
Senegal is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the West, Maritania to north, Mali to the east, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau to the south, and the Gambia in the middle. The Official Language is French, and the Motto is “ One People , One Goal, One Faith”, Dakar is the capital city of the nation.

Senegal has a population of over 11 millions, about 70 percent of whom live in rural areas. Senegal has a wide variety of etnic groups, as in most West African countries, several languages are widely spoken: Wolof 43 percent, Peul and Toucouleur 24 percent, Serer 15 percent and many smaller communities( Jola, Lebu, Soninke, Bassari, Mandinga... etc.


Islam is predominant religion, practiced by aproximately 95 percent of country's population, Christian community at 4 percent of the population , including Roman Catholics and Protestants. So there is only 1 percent of population who maintain Animist in their beliefs, particularly in the Southeastern region of the country.

Although Islam is Senegal's majority religion, Senegal's first president, Leopold Sedar Senghor, was Catholic

quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2008

New Study Shows......

I have often thought that to be a professional musician or a highly skilled jazz musician that it takes much more brainpower than the average profession - one that simply memorizes facts and applies them within their daily work. There are some professions, of course, that must constantly exhibit a high level of creativity such as surgeons, trial attorneys, and scientists dealing with research and development, just to name a few.

But the reality is, many jobs these days do not require a high level of “thinking” when it comes to simply completing the job at hand. In other words, a roofer simply lays the roof without a high level of thought. Even a profession such as nursing, often comes down to routine tasks done over and over again.

A study at Vanderbilt University found that professionally trained musicians use a creative technique called divergent thinking. It also found that musicians use both the left and right sides of their frontal cortex more heavily than the average person.

This research was done by a group of Vanderbilt psychologists. One of the psychologists put it this way:

“We were interested in how individuals who are naturally creative look at problems that are best solved by thinking ‘out of the box. We studied musicians because creative thinking is part of their daily experience, and we found that there were qualitative differences in the types of answers they gave to problems and in their associated brain activity.”

Previous studies of creativity have focused on divergent thinking - i.e. the ability to come up with new solutions to open-ended, multifaceted problems. Highly creative individuals often display more divergent thinking than their less creative counterparts.

The researchers also found that, overall, the musicians had higher IQ scores than the non-musicians, supporting recent studies that intensive musical training is associated with an elevated IQ score.

Angola Cuisine

Hello, My name is Jurema Rodrigues

I’m 20 years old, I was born in Angola, a country rich in beauty and raw materials in contrast with people who still live in poor living conditions, due to government mismanagement!

however speak of cooking in my country which is diverse and varied products with exotic healthy! I’ll give a recipe for a dish typical of Nigeria:

Moamba chicken. Muamba chicken is a typical cuisine of Angola. Is one of the most popular dishes in the country. Its construction involves, in addition to chicken, palm oil, okra, jindungo, onion, squash garlic.

The chicken is cut into pieces, add some salt, garlic and jindungo, and then cooked with onions. Later, they are added to palm oil, which can be made with fresh or purchased dendéns ready to use, okras and pumpkins.

The Moamba is served with pyre or fungi, consisting of flour of maize and cassava cooked.