segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2008


Where are my glasses? where, oh where?
On the table, or under the chair?
Near the window, or near the door?
In my pocket, or on the floor?
I´m looking here!
I´m looking there!
Where are my glasses? where, oh where?

Oh, here they are! on my head!

(By: Michael West)


I´m long and thin and made of steel,
I cut the mutton, beef and veal;
When not in use I lie and wait Beside
my owner´s round white plate

sexta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2008

How could a mother:

Two women sat on a table, in a well room, whit bare walls. A one way mirror covered the right wall and there nothing else. Just the one way mirror , the bare walls, the table, the two very simple chairs in which the two women sat, the lamp on the ceiling, and the door on the left. One of the women, was obviously a police woman, she carried some files and small Black Hand bag. She spread the files over the table and put the bag on the floor near her chair, then indicated the room, she seemed nervous. The police woman then began interrogating her: she began by asking what time it was when the baby star crying. The woman answered than it had been at 10:00 pm. The next question was about the woman’s feelings towards the crying child at the time. The woman, obviously the Childs mother replied she had been angry at being awakened during the night, when she had and left dizzy from the alcohol she had drunk earlier that same evening, also she said, she over
the night had a headache for her need felt fuzzy and heavy, and she couldn’t stand straight on her feet when she got up from her bed that evening to tend to the crying child. The police woman then asked what the woman was thinking back at the time. She said she was thinking that she had to get up early in the morning to go to work. The police woman asked the other woman, if her boyfriend who was with her that night had said anything, the woman answered yes, the police asked what , and the other woman said he had told her to shut up the kid, because it was getting in his nerves. The other woman then asked what she had done then, the mother of the child replied she handheld the baby in her arms, and begged her to stop crying. The next question was about the boyfriend’s next actions. The woman said he had getter up a look the baby, rather violently out of her arms. Then he had thrown the baby in the bed and put one of his hands over the baby’s face, and screened at her to stop crying and shut up. The police woman inquired if she had done anything to restrain the man, which she answered she had tried but he had shoed her against the wall. The police asked if she had said anything then. The mother said yes, she had told the baby to stop crying. The police corrected herself; she had intended to ask if the woman had said anything answered with a question, she asked the police woman, what could she have said.

quarta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2008

this music it´s dedicate to me and all African´s girls of the world!

personal i love this song!

quinta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2008


Sorry guys,
I gave you the wrong links.
Here are the correct links.
To see Headup video:

To see the new released song:

I hope these ones work.

The most high Soulfly

Hi everyone,

I’m here to notice you that a major metal band, Soulfly, is coming to Portugal in February, more exactly in 16st February of 2009, playing at Coliseu dos Recreios.

Soulfly is a heavy metal band formed in 1997 in Arizona by Max Cavalera, who formed the band after he left the influential band Sepultura and the death of his stepson Dana Wells. Soulfly incorporates diverse heavy metal genres with world music. This tendency, to incorporate world music in metal, was already clear in Sepultura, Max Cavalera wanted to explore it.

Before Max Cavalera formed Soulfly, he made a guest appearance on the Deftones album “Around the Fur” in 1997 on a song called Headup. This song was about Well’s death and it is said that Cavalera got the name for the band from the lyrics of this song.

This is a link for Headup song.

The band has gone through numerous formation changes, but has been stable since the 2005’s album Dark Ages.
Like I’ve mentioned before, in Sepultura Cavalera had shown an interest in world music as one can notice in Roots, featuring elements of Brazilian tribal music. This approach continued on the Prophecy album with Cavalera travelling to Serbia to record with traditional musicians.

The band has released six studio albums:
. 1998 – Soulfly
. 2000 – Primitive
. 2002 -
. 2004 – Prophecy
. 2005 – Dark Ages
. 2008 – Conquer

The current Soulfly’s line-up is:
. Max Cavalera – vocals and rhythmic guitar.
. Marc Rizzo – Lead guitar.
. Bobby Burns – Bass.
. Joe Nunez – Drums.

Soulfly are coming to Portugal following the release of their last album, Conquer, in a European Tour.
I recommend this concert to everyone who likes metal and besides the tickets have an accessible price.
I leave you with this link where you can check them out.

Until next time.

Soraia Silva

Gypsy Jazz style

That's me playing with my friend Yacopo.

A Classical from??

Ok don't laugh, this is a bad interpretation of the song.
Now, can anyone tell me the name of this song?

segunda-feira, 10 de novembro de 2008

Republic of Senegal ( by Jean Felix )


Republic of Senegal is a country in Western Africa, became fully independent on 4 April Of 1960.
Senegal is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the West, Maritania to north, Mali to the east, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau to the south, and the Gambia in the middle. The Official Language is French, and the Motto is “ One People , One Goal, One Faith”, Dakar is the capital city of the nation.

Senegal has a population of over 11 millions, about 70 percent of whom live in rural areas. Senegal has a wide variety of etnic groups, as in most West African countries, several languages are widely spoken: Wolof 43 percent, Peul and Toucouleur 24 percent, Serer 15 percent and many smaller communities( Jola, Lebu, Soninke, Bassari, Mandinga... etc.


Islam is predominant religion, practiced by aproximately 95 percent of country's population, Christian community at 4 percent of the population , including Roman Catholics and Protestants. So there is only 1 percent of population who maintain Animist in their beliefs, particularly in the Southeastern region of the country.

Although Islam is Senegal's majority religion, Senegal's first president, Leopold Sedar Senghor, was Catholic

quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2008

New Study Shows......

I have often thought that to be a professional musician or a highly skilled jazz musician that it takes much more brainpower than the average profession - one that simply memorizes facts and applies them within their daily work. There are some professions, of course, that must constantly exhibit a high level of creativity such as surgeons, trial attorneys, and scientists dealing with research and development, just to name a few.

But the reality is, many jobs these days do not require a high level of “thinking” when it comes to simply completing the job at hand. In other words, a roofer simply lays the roof without a high level of thought. Even a profession such as nursing, often comes down to routine tasks done over and over again.

A study at Vanderbilt University found that professionally trained musicians use a creative technique called divergent thinking. It also found that musicians use both the left and right sides of their frontal cortex more heavily than the average person.

This research was done by a group of Vanderbilt psychologists. One of the psychologists put it this way:

“We were interested in how individuals who are naturally creative look at problems that are best solved by thinking ‘out of the box. We studied musicians because creative thinking is part of their daily experience, and we found that there were qualitative differences in the types of answers they gave to problems and in their associated brain activity.”

Previous studies of creativity have focused on divergent thinking - i.e. the ability to come up with new solutions to open-ended, multifaceted problems. Highly creative individuals often display more divergent thinking than their less creative counterparts.

The researchers also found that, overall, the musicians had higher IQ scores than the non-musicians, supporting recent studies that intensive musical training is associated with an elevated IQ score.

Angola Cuisine

Hello, My name is Jurema Rodrigues

I’m 20 years old, I was born in Angola, a country rich in beauty and raw materials in contrast with people who still live in poor living conditions, due to government mismanagement!

however speak of cooking in my country which is diverse and varied products with exotic healthy! I’ll give a recipe for a dish typical of Nigeria:

Moamba chicken. Muamba chicken is a typical cuisine of Angola. Is one of the most popular dishes in the country. Its construction involves, in addition to chicken, palm oil, okra, jindungo, onion, squash garlic.

The chicken is cut into pieces, add some salt, garlic and jindungo, and then cooked with onions. Later, they are added to palm oil, which can be made with fresh or purchased dendéns ready to use, okras and pumpkins.

The Moamba is served with pyre or fungi, consisting of flour of maize and cassava cooked.